info on my dad

By: david e clare jr
On: 11/01/2005
i would like to hear from anyone who new my dad or little moe the b-17 he flew in. david e clare sr.

Re: info on my dad

By: Scott McElvain
On: 11/01/2005
Little Moe has negative numbers B65645AC and B6570AC in the National Archives.  Check their site for getting xeroxes of the photos and info on companies that can pull photos and make prints............

Re: info on my dad

By: L.A. Mitchell
On: 11/02/2005
  David, your dad was a Staff Sergeant on Steve
Wysocki's crew.Steve can b reached at
Telephone (909)824-0767.

Re: info on my dad

By: Win Bryson
On: 11/08/2005
You can request National Archives' still picture photograph photocopies at

By giving them the your information, including the negative numbers (B65645AC and B6570AC) and title 'Little Moe' - and your mailing address, they'll send you a photocopy of the photo(s) and outside vendor info - the National Archives doesn't sell photos themselves.

Ask for the photo 'captions', also - some are 'vague' wartime captions, others are very specific.

If your Dad is pictured, but other Crewmen not named, check with L.A. Mitchell (401BG Ass'n.) - the 401st has been trying to identify Crewmen in photos and might have some additional info on those pictured. But please note, this is an 'on-going' and difficult effort - and is a 'work in progress'

Good hunting!    

Re: info on my dad

By: Elmer Cheatham
On: 02/17/2006
If your dad was a ball turret gunner, he flew with our crew on 4 different occasions.  I was radio operator on the crew of Vincent Kaminski in Stormy Weather.  Sgt Clare flew with us on 3/4/44 to Cologne, 3/18/44 to Augsburg, 4/20/44 to Bois Coquerel, and 4/25, 1944 to Nancy-Essey. Our ball turret gunner was grounded early in 1944 and we used gunners from other crews for the rest of our missions.  One had to be pretty brave to fly the ball turret.