Glen Hauck

By: James Lee Hutchinson
On: 06/19/2006
Glen Hauck was the radio operator on the LM Shanks crew in 613 th .. Shot down and a POW until war's end. Daughter would like any information about his crew.

Re: Glen Hauck

By: Scott McElvain
On: 06/19/2006
Have you checked what's on this website.  Go to the homepage and check the crew lists.  If you are looking for pictures of a certain plane or the Missing Air Crew Report for the mission he was shot down on, let me know.

Re: Glen Hauck

By: Donald Byers
On: 06/20/2006
Did not find him under LM Shanks Crew in 613th or any other squadron

Re: Glen Hauck

By: Bryan  Hutchinson
On: 10/23/2009
Lee found information on remember our heroes the Shanks plane was shot down  by fighters and flak on 22 Feb. 1944 target Oschersleben air craft factory all bailed out except 1 and were listed as POW I beleive Glen was captured and held at  Stalag Luft 4 until escaping and then finaly being liberated