B. 17 serial  42-107210

By: D.Lee Humphrey
On: 08/06/2006
Can someone help me please?

I understand that B. 17 serial  42-107210 aircraft was destroyed in a ground accident at the base on 12 June 1944 with no crew an board.
My uncle Royal T. Humphrey was killed in this bomb explosion.
Does anyone know where I can obtain more information on him and this incident?  I would love pictures of him.
Thank you,

Re: B. 17 serial  42-107210

By: Scott C. McElvain
On: 08/06/2006
There is a page in the Blue Book (Group History/Annual) with several pictures from the accident.  If you don't have access to a copy of the book, I can send you a xerox of the page.  There are no know pictures of the plane "Be Coming Back" listed in my resource book.  There is a MACR (Missing Air Crew Report) #8925 on the incident which you can get from the Air Force History Office.  Just do a search on "Air Force History Office" or AFHO.  Check on the gallery part of this website for pictures of the plane.  It might appear in a crew shot.

Re: B. 17 serial  42-107210

By: Scott C. McElvain
On: 08/06/2006
"Be Coming Back" isn't in the gallery, so it looks like no pictures of the plane, but there is a frontal shot on the page from the Blue Book that has the middle two engines,the front turret and halfway up the nose.

Re: B. 17 serial  42-107210

By: D,Lee Humphrey
On: 08/08/2006
This is very helpful information.  
I do not have access to the Blue Book, I would appreciate a copy to be faxed to me.  My fax number is 214-731-2190.  I looked up the MACR #8925 but this appears to be a different date.  How do I get the detailed information?
Appreciate all your help.