Hell's Angel out of Chute 13 ground crew

By: Dave Johnson
On: 01/17/2003
Does anyone remember my brother, Sgt. Robert A. Johnson, who was a ground crew chief on this plane?

Re: Hell's Angel out of Chute 13 ground crew

By: Ed Login
On: 02/19/2003
Dear Dave,
I new a Bob Johnson ,a mechanic (as I was)in the 612th.
I believe he was from Ohio, tho I could be wrong. However the crew chief on the Hell's Angel B17 was
Curtis Brown.  The other guys were Felix Able,J.Aloi,
and Clair Smith.
Ed Login   612th

Re: Hell's Angel out of Chute 13 ground crew

By: Robert D. Johnson, Jr.
On: 08/19/2003
My father was a mechanic in the 401st. He was from Ohio. Might be the one you knew.