B-17 Buried at Deenethorpe

By: Andrew Thomas
On: 01/04/2007
I am seeking any information that can back-up a story I recently heard about a B-17 that was buried at Deenethorpe. Apparantly, when the 401st returned to the states, an unserviceable B-17, (hangar queen) was buried to the east of the control tower, close to Grange Farm. Can anyone confirm this with aircraft details and give a more accurate location?

Re: B-17 Buried at Deenethorpe

By: Patrick Camblin
On: 04/04/2007
You might try scanning the aircraft pages on this site, which lists the final disposition of the aircraft that flew wit the 401st (see "History" link at top of this page, click "assigned aircraft", then click the individual aircraft to see disposition")  http://401bg.com/history/aircraft_list.asp