Info on Lt. Cole's crew.

By: Kathy Smith Case
On: 12/27/2002
Does anyoe have any information about 1st Lt. J.S. Cole Jr.'s crew?  He was part of the 614th Bomb Squadron.  My dad, R.H. (Bud) Smith, was the tail gunner of this plane.  He's been dead for almost 20 years but I just found this website.  It would mean a great deal to his 3 children to hear from anyone who might know about this crew.  Thank you. -- Kathy Smith Case

Re: Info on Lt. Cole's crew.

By: Donald Byers
On: 12/28/2002
Sorry there are no listings of any of the other crew listed as members of the 401BG in the 2001 Membership Directory.

If you select History from the top of the menue and then you will see on the next page combat crew's you can find out info on Lt. Cole's crew missions aircraft.

Don Byers
Lubbock Texas